Poet. Writer. Musician. Frantic.

After nearly a decade of quietly honing his poetry skills and amassing a pile of notebooks filled with scribbled rhymes, he hit the slam poetry circuit in early 2019 and the rest is history. Finding success in the slam poetry stages of the Inspired Word Cafe and racking up a handful of competitive poetry wins (Including the slam champion of 2020), he turned his eyes towards his ultimate goal - music.

With a background in drumming and holding now-confident poetic abilities he began studying music production in his spare time, quickly realizing he lacked the musical theory knowledge required to craft the melody-driven beats he desired to backlight his lyrics. Shelving his production desires, he acquired a beat up Casio keyboard for $20 and borrowed a stack of Introduction to Piano books and committed to one to two hours of practice a day for a full year, eventually falling in love with the instrument and returning to production.

In mid-2021 at the Inspired Word Cafe’s Team Battle Slam he met fellow poet and musician Nygel Metcalfe (aka Kid Solomon) and together the two of them committed to creating a five track concept album, what would become Gauche Coach’s debut Flawed Odyssey. With each track representing a stage of The Hero’s Journey, it was spoken of by Phöenix Lazare as “music reminiscent of Eminem’s aggressive, sinister hip-hop sound, sprinkled with comedic ramblings that maintain a lighthearted mood throughout the album.” Review

On April 13th he released his debut solo album Wisdom and Wonder. An album reveling in its poetry and forest inspirations, join Frantic as he rhymes about mental health, monsters glimpsed through the boughs of trees, the joy of success and the pains of failure. It was reviewed by Jenna Keeble of The Permanent Rain Press who said “Engrossed in gloomy landscapes and soaked in raw emotions, Wisdom and Wonder is an enthralling musical collection. The work of a master wordsmith stylized in cloudy tones.” Review